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< 888764 888769 >
 3.8 Jaguar E-Type Golden Sand
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 Left Hand Drive 
   Jaguar Of Eastern Canada
 RA2301-9 2 October 1963
 V5993 Montreal
 EB10486JS Quebec
 2 June 1963 Canada
 1964 Golden Sand
 2023 Tan
 Rest: Nice 


Jaguar E-Type photo

19 more photos below

Record Creation: Entered on 27 July 2003.

Database Updates: Show dataplate edits


Owner: Dave Longley

Retired and living on a farm near Ottawa Canada. Have always been interested in sports cars, aviation and motorcycles. The car is a S1 FHC that I've owned since 1964. Now restored after being off the road for over 30 years the car is once again a most enjoyable 'driver'.


Updated December 28th, 2006. Not legal proof of ownership.

Photos of 888765

Click slide for larger image. This car has 20 photos. (Dates are when image was uploaded.)

Exterior Photos (10)

Uploaded July 2006:

Photo--click to zoom
Photo--click to zoom
Photo--click to zoom

Uploaded November 2005:

Photo--click to zoom
Photo--click to zoom

Uploaded June 2005:

Photo--click to zoom

Uploaded January 2005:

Photo--click to zoom

Uploaded November 2004:

Photo--click to zoom
Photo--click to zoom

Uploaded November 2003:

Photo--click to zoom

Detail Photos: Engine (3)

Uploaded June 2007:

Photo--click to zoom

Uploaded April 2004:

Photo--click to zoom
Photo--click to zoom

Restoration Photos: Stripdown (2)

Uploaded April 2006:

Photo--click to zoom

Uploaded April 2004:

Photo--click to zoom

Restoration Photos: Metalwork (3)

Uploaded April 2004:

Photo--click to zoom
Photo--click to zoom
Photo--click to zoom

Restoration Photos: Paint (2)

Uploaded September 2004:

Photo--click to zoom

Uploaded May 2004:

Photo--click to zoom


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2003-11-11 13:45:21 | Dave writes:

Restoration officially underway 10th November 2003. Should be on the road in May 2004 at which time I'll have owned it 40 years.

2003-11-12 22:44:24 | Gerry Peterson writes:

Just a short note to say I own s/n 888764!! it's a small world!!

2003-11-16 08:17:49 | Dave writes:

Amazing Gerry. They must have been on the line together!! Dave

2004-01-31 15:07:07 | Gerry Ireland writes:

Hi Dave must have been great to have owned an E Type from new.

2004-02-15 06:35:27 | Dave Longley writes:

Thanks for the note Gerry. Yes, I have a lot of memories attached to this machine and it will be terrific to have it back on the road better than ever.

2004-04-12 07:40:09 | Dave Longley writes:

My original on-road target of May 2004 won't be met. Revised target date is August 04. Major bodywork completed; engine overhauled and all mechanical work completed. Ready for final body preparation and paint. Restoration work progressing well. Dave

2004-08-11 06:02:46 | regent writes:

Hello I own 888754 just 11 n° before dispatch in june 63 and in the same color inside and outside of yours mine is in france todays world so small.......

2004-08-13 13:44:32 | Dave writes:

Good to hear from you Regent and thanks for the note. Yes, I had seen your car under the latest cars to register. All the best, Dave.

2004-09-03 17:24:34 | Dave writes:

Ok, another reality adjustment. On-road target date now revised from August 04 to Spring 2005 latest. Car is now in final paint, clear coat, wet-sand stage and then it's time for some reassembly work. This year is a possibility however early next year is more likely. After all this time what's another few months... Dave

2004-11-03 20:41:14 | Dave writes:

Restoration started 10 November 2003. Restoration completed 1 November 2004.
It's DONE! Dave

2004-11-04 01:30:29 | Roger writes:

Dave, Your car looks wonderful. Congratulations!

2006-01-31 18:10:19 | Paul writes:

It would appear that I now drive the car (#876583) you traded in more than 40 years ago! Currently its color is Opalescent Dark Blue. I'd be interested to know if it was the same color when you owned it?

2006-04-03 11:19:30 | Dave writes:

Paul, the original owner of your car, 876583, was Claude Lafond out of Montreal so I can't confirm the original colour. He traded it in on 888765 2nd Oct 1963. I bought the car 5 months later in March 1964 with about 1200 miles on it. I had sat in the car in the showroom before Claude bought it but just couldn't afford the machine at the time. All the best with your new car.

2007-06-06 00:05:03 | Craig writes:

Dave, beautiful car!!! My car is 888780, just 15 after yours. I'm just starting the major metal repairs on mine, but sure would love to able to see yours as a guide for when I start re-assembly.

2007-06-06 06:08:36 | Dave writes:

Hi Craig, just let me know how I can help. Dave

2007-06-08 17:32:09 | Craig writes:

Dave, Thanks. I'm not there yet and I was forewarned, but I did not take as many pictures of some of the specific assembly details that I should have. I'm sure I will have many questions for you in the future, but I can also use all the pictures that you might have as good reference points. Craig

2020-02-09 20:01:28 | Dave writes:

Have now owned the car 56 years.

2020-02-12 10:53:22 | John S writes:

Dave if your car was made in June, it could be registered as a 1963. My March 1964 OTS was originally registered as a 66 in Ont. and when I found out it was made in March the Ministry changed the registration for me to reflect the true year. A common error in that time period was for dealers to reg. the car in the following year. I have owned mine for 42 yrs.

2020-02-12 12:03:44 | pauls writes:

Wow Dave, that's wonderful!!!

2020-09-12 11:49:19 | Mark, aka, \"Moeregaard\" writes:

Always wonderful to see another E-Type with its original family! Wishing you many more miles!

2021-02-28 15:22:31 | Dave R. Longley writes:

Have now owned this machine for 58 years. Wonderful car.

2021-03-02 12:20:32 | pauls writes:

Congrats Dave!!! That's a love affair!

2021-03-03 10:12:28 | Dave writes:

Thank you Paul’s, John S. and Mark for your comments. Been awhile since I checked in.

Car will be on the road again once the snow disappears. Kind of like a time warp sometimes when driving this machine - from my early twenties until present and always a thrill. And i realize that I’m not alone here.

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